Saturday, October 24, 2009

MindF*ck anyone?

So, on Thursday I went to my high school to say hello to a great and wonderful teacher. It was awesome talking to him, because I've been in a time of severe writers block on my story. Whats great about this teacher, is that you tell him what you've got, and where you can't figure anything out, and then its almost like he reads your mind, and then tells you what he thinks would be awesome to fill in the gaps. So, my mind was buzzing with ideas walking out.

I found out last night that Mr. Three has back dimples. Oh. My. Effing. God. Can this kid be any more of a personal mind fuck for me? Blue eyes, tall, broad shoulders, and EFFING BACK DIMPLES?!?! I'm dying here... Its like the God in the sky made him specifically to make me tick. Oh. My. Lord.

And its not just a physical attraction. He's really sweet, and he's adorable. He's sensitive and he listens pretty well. He's caring, and I just adore every iota of him.

The only problem is, If it ever comes to a time where we would part, I think I'd die. But I don't think that'll happen. He's not as vocal about that he's attracted to me, but I see it in the few words he says on the matter. Like last night, we were outside smoking a cigarette, and he was standing so that the cars couldn't see my exposed legs. He would say "My legs. No." and I would just laugh. He once mentioned that when I walk, he loves to watch. Makes me feel sexy ;).

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Every high schooler's dream has happened to me. My College had a small electrical fire and had shut down for nearly a week. Now I've got a weeks worth of homework to catch up on and freak out on.



Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Poem 1

I feel like a bird ruffling its feathers in a feeble attempt to impress,
I feel like the water being pulled by the moon though it much rather stay and rest.
I feel like a tree being swayed by the wind, branches rustling their happy sigh,
I feel like the sunrise breaking through dawn with colors waltzing shades in the sky.

All of these feelings, such seraphic bliss,
Buzz in my brain with your simple kiss.

One Month

Mr. Three and I are coming up on our first month anniversary. I'm rather excited about it, but I don't think this necessarily warrants as a "gift giving" anniversary. Plus, I'm not sure I've got the funds to do so. So, I'm writing a poem of sorts for him, a long with giving him a CD I mixed up for him (lame, I know). I figure he'll enjoy it none-the-less.

The next couple of days, I'll post some of the ones I've been writing, and see what you think.

Hmmm... now lets see if I can find that one that I wrote a while back...

Doesn't look like it. If I can find it, I'll post it.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm Feelin... Good....

Though... I'm not feeling so good.

I mean, I don't know what's wrong with me right now. I'm feeling pretty low. i want to feel happy, I want to be exuberant like I have been lately. I think I just need some sleep or something.

I should be studying. I think I'm going to do that.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Rambling is too hilarious

Looks like I may be heading up to see Mr. Three today and help him out a bit. I found some money to put in my tank, and its just enough to take the trip up there. He told me he'll give me a tank of gas, which I guess is a good exchange. I can take it.

So now, I'm just waiting to hear from him on what we're gonna do tonight.

I miss him already... haha. I'm such a loser.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Friendly Reminder

I'm an extremely social person. I've been realizing more and more lately how much of a butterfly I really on the inside am. I've never felt more satisfied and more fulfilled in my life. The only thing I wish I could put time in for is horseback riding.

Since Jimi died, I've ridden a few times, just not consistantly. I feel the desperate need to pick up my saddles, so that I have them if ever the opportunity rises. I think once I get some money for gas, I'll make the trip.

Oh, another thing, gas stations suck ass. I run on a VERY limited budget. I don't make enough to really sustain myself, and I tend to live a bit beyond my means (which is a problem I'm finding solutions to). Budgeting on my kind of paycheck is relatively difficult. I don't understand how some family's make it on such a low income. Anyway, about two weeks ago, I was in my rental car, and a tree hanging too far into the road was just thick enough so that, when I hit it, it took off my sideview mirror. The rental company didn't offer insurance because they were working with a carlot, so I was majorly screwed. That would have set me back a whole $250, but I found Advanced Autos, which gave me the sideview mirror for just about 90 bucks. That, and I felt obliged to pay off the rest of my VS card (which I should have just put a bit over the minimum balance instead) and then I decided to treat myself to some fast food one morning taking my friends to school (who I lovingly call my boys, I tend to Mother them a bit). Gas was a doozie, and eats up a lot of my money, but other then that I didn't spend much of it. So, I called my card to see how much I had left, and then realized I didn't have any money. I was like, WTF? I have more money than this, I know it. Then, I realized that when you use the pump instead of going inside and telling the guy inside the ammount, they charge some obscene ammount, (75 dollars to be exact) and then reimburse you five days later. So, I don't have much money until wednesday.

Also, I'm working on the college thing. Submitting my application, housing application, and financial aid papers to the school in the morning. I'm not sure if I can fax it in, and if I can, then I think I'll go to my mom's work and see if she can help me do it.

Going up there this weekend to see Mr. Three was amazing, but tough. I think the only problem I had with it is that he likes to pay for me. When I found out about the bank statement, he called me. He asked me if he could help me. These are all sweet things. What they say to me is that he cares a lot about me, and would rather loan/give me gas money then see me suffer. But I'm stubborn, and I hate letting him take me out to eat and to rescue me when I'm in trouble. I think its just me overemphasizing that the reason I'm with him isn't because he's well established, or morely has been raised in the well-embellished lifestyle. Its more because for some unrelenting reason, I've fallen for his boyish charm. I watched Step-woman take and take from my father, and it's more watching him pay for a new-remodling and such so that she can be happy to live in a beautiful house, and I watched him love her instead of paying any attention to me at all. Don't get me wrong, I love my Dad to pieces. He does a lot for me. But, I kind of wish he'd help me more through college.

Anyway, more later.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sweeeet Weekend Planned

Tomorrow I have no class. Instead, I'm getting my car back from the shop (it's been a month!) and also, after work, I'm heading up to see Mr. Three. He makes me happy :).

I just... need to keep my hands to myself. He knows how to rile me up, and I'm kind of worried about him using that to his advantage... well actually I don't mind at all, I'd love to get intimate and go to the next level with him. However, if he doesn't start it, I don't want to. I asked him out, he gets to go through with the rest. Plus, he's the one who wanted to take it slow. I just wonder how things will play out.

I have a card with Victoria's Secret, which I'm really excited about having. I payed off my remaining balance today, and then purchased some nice new trinkets. They're green, and adorable. However, they're not push-up, like I usually like, but I think it'll be nice to have a different type of bra a long with my more sexual bits of lingerie.

Apparently, I'm a sensual type of person, as said by a friend of mine from school. It kind of makes sense, I wear my sexuality on my sleeve. Even when I tune it down, or even off, I still come off a bit more sensual. I have a deeper feminine voice, and it's a bit husky as well. I've also been told that I would make a great sex operator. Which... is gross... but hilarious. I dunno. It's time to stop talking on this subject. Anyway, good night guys! I'll blog either tomorrow or Sunday.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Its been all of two short weeks since Mr Three and I started dating. Feels like longer... I mean, I guess we've been talking for about a month, and then I've had a big crush on him since... well... forever... so that's probably why. He's at school, and I won't see him this weekend, so I'll miss him, but I've got a lot of stuff I'm going to do this weekend to keep my mind off of him not being here. Plus, schoolwork. Lots. And. Lots. Of. Schoolwork.

I'm sending my application to college this week, once I get my transcript. I think I'll go by there before work to request it, and pick it up tomorrow. I have to write a College Essay as well, but that won't take me too long.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fun Story Time!!!

So, while at ACC, I've told this story a billion times. Today I was actually requested to tell it. I love this story, and more than anything, I love to tell it. So, I figured I'd type it out on the blog and see what you two followers think.

So, when I was younger, my brother was a man-whore. One day, I had a day off and wasn't too particularly social, so I was downstairs watching TV in the living room. My brother's room was right above the living room. He walked in that morning with a girl, and was like "Hey, this is so and so." I said hi, and then he took her upstairs. Within a few minutes, all I could hear was the noises of rough, dirty coitus. I just turned up the TV, and tuned it out.

After about an hour or so, she left, and then he came back with another chick. The same thing happened. "Hey, this is so-and-so," then they'd be upstairs knocking boots.

So, then she leaves, and he comes back with a THIRD chick. "Hey, this is so-and-so," and then the rough sex insued. After walking the third one out, he came inside, pointed at me, and then went into the back yard. He lit a cigarette, and said simply "Today was a good day."

There was this girl at my old high school that was known as a HUGE slut. So, when my brother met her and asked if I knew her, I let him know. He said "Awesome!" and then pursued it. Like I knew she would, she slept with him without wanting a commitment. So, my brother of course "dumped" her a few weeks later.

One evening, we were smoking outside, when he gets this phone call from her. He puts it on speakerphone, and says "Sup?"

All that was heard was this slurpp kkkk slurp then she said "This is me sucking of another guy."

My brother retorted "Are you really that much of a whore?" but she had hung up. I told him I'd get her back.

When I went to school the next morning, I found her where she always was, in the cafeteria. I walked up behind her and began making the same noises I heard the night previous, moving my head up and down over a fisted hand. After the cafeteria got quiet, I looked at her and said "Don't fucking suck off some random ass john and call my brother you slut! Oh and by the way, he must be reallllly small if you can fit him in your mouth AND speak at the same time." And with that, I walked off.

Later that day, she walked up to me wanting to fight. She was shorter than me, and itty bitty, so I agreed. We walked outside, and she put up her fists. I grabbed the back of her head and slammed it into my knee, and she toppled to the ground. She was down for the count, so I left to class. I was called into the principal's office just a few minutes later, where he asked me what had happened, and I told him the whole story. He stared me down intensely, his hand on his chin. When I finished, a few seconds of silence passed, before he chuckled, and said "No way, she didn't call your brother while sucking off another dude... she couldn't have!" I nodded my head, and he looked over both of our high school records.

"Well, I'll let you off, get back to class." he said, and I went back into class. It was an amazing day, to say the least.

Its a vulgar story, but I love telling it none the less. That chick was a SLUT. No joke. I just don't understand how girls can do that! Not even be dating a dude, and having sex with anything that moves. I mean, I've been known to move a bit fast in my relationships, but all in all, I've been lucky. I've had long term relationships for the majority of my life. I don't plan on changing that any time soon.

I was young and feisty, and I don't think I'd ever do anything like that ever again, but it's always an entertaining story to tell.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Its hardest when he leaves...

I had a great weekend with Mr. Three. Things haven't moved quickly at all, but that's okay. I'm having a hard time with it going so slow, even though I know its for the best. Most guys by this time have been like "Hey Elise" *hand on inner thigh* "Lets make out"... and he's just not that way. We have had a few intense kisses, but we haven't even made out yet. Its refreshing, but frustrating at the same time. This boy is GORGEOUS. Oh my goodness... and truthfully there are so many things I'd love to do to this boy, but it's all about time. Its for the best... I just keep telling myself to relax.

It makes it easier since we're so far apart. It would be OH MY GOODNESS so hard if he actually stayed down here.. and went to school down here. So for that, I'm thankful.

He's amazing. Truthfully. Amazing. He knocks me off my feet. He's classy, smart, sweet as sugar, so caring, and understanding. I can tell him everything... I have told him everything. He has me completely raw and jaded. I couldn't be happier. I really couldn't.

I saw my ex the other day, he was behind me in his car when I was turning to get onto Mopac the other day. It spooked me. I literally started having a panic attack. Luckily, Mr Three was in the car with me to calm me down. He did tell me that I need to get over my fear of the ex, but it's not simple. The things he put me through, and the abuse, and power he had over me... It's difficult. But, Mr. Three is right.

Mr. Three also met the parentals. My Mom likes him a lot, she even asked me if we had kissed yet, because she wanted to make sure things were progressing nicely. That's very odd... When she found out the ex and I were knocking boots she just about shit a brick. But I guess that's different. My Dad, when saying goodbye to us, told him he could come back any time. BIG DEAL. He's never said that to any of my old boyfriends. I am thoroughly impressed.

I just hope things can stick around and hold. I adore him. I really do.