Sunday, April 25, 2010

What a Weekend!!!

So... I really should consider changing the name of my blog from "18 and single" to "19 and engaged". Yep. Mr. III proposed. Let me tell you about it.

We had to leave the puppy at home, sadly. So, his family has a boat on Lake Travis, so we left around noon to start it up (just so you know, I have no idea whats going on.) After a few "boat troubles", we finally were on our way. He took me to a marvelous restaurant called Abel's on the Lake (I recommend it to anyone, not just because I was proposed to there, but because it was TASTY!) which you can park a boat and go in as well as drive. So, we got there, and went in, and had a marvelous lunch. I had the chicken fried steak, with macaroni and cheese and onion rings. The chicken fried steak was amazing, the macaroni tasted really good, but I wasn't too much of a fan of the onion rings. Not to say they wouldn't be good to someone else, because Mr. III ate his and mine. So, at the end of the dinner, they brought me out a plate of brownie and vanilla icecream, and written on it "Will you marry me?" He got down on one knee, looked up at me, and asked. I was tempted to say "FUCK YEAH!" but there were children... and puppies present so I just said "Definitely yes!" and we kissed and the whole restaurant clapped. We had Skinny there too, who laughed. I was so... I don't know... some emotion, that I can't explain... I just couldn't eat for a while. But, when I did dig into that brownie, it was like heaven. Oh, my goodness... it tasted SO good.

After that, we continued our boat ride around (I had wished I had brought my bathing suit so we could possibly take a dip, it was HOT!) and then went on a horse-drawn carriage ride in Austin. I loved it, it was gorgeous. The pony was one of those you don't necessarily come by that often. He didn't like just standing around, he was like "why the hell are we here? Lets get going! NOW! I'm working!" I was like... that horse is awesome. I may get a job with them, lets see. They told me they had a shortage of drivers, so I'm applying.

Overall, it was a wonderful night. Except trying to sleep. The puppy doesn't like to stay asleep for more than a couple hours.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I did something kind of reckless. Something, that Mr. III didn't like, but didn't mind.

I bought a puppy.

AKC registrable aussie Shepherd, blue merle, beauty of beauties. She's gorgeous, sweet, and very quiet. She follows you around outside, even off the leash. I'm currently working on her potty training and leash training. I am sooo in love.

I needed her... because of the whole abortion thing. I know that's probably a stupid reason to get a dog, but there was some allure to me about this beautiful dog, that made me say gosh. She makes me feel better about all this crap that's been going on.

Mr. III is struggling, because he was going to stay at his grandfathers condo until he could get on his feet and find out how much monthly he could afford for a place. But, his step grandmother has other ideas. She has revoked his right to the condo, and is pushing him to get an apartment NOW, before he knows how much he'll make, before anything. So, he's really upset and pissed off. Which I completely understand.

He really wants me to move in with him, but for the most part, I'm not going to. Not until I get all of my debt paid back and off, so that I have a basis of life. I also HAVE to learn how to budget, as does he, so we don't sink.

I'm stressing out. But, I've got my lady, and that's all that matters.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Small Update/New Possible Blog?

I have an interview in a few hours, so I'm typing a quick blog to let you guys know whats up.

I talked to Mr. III about it, but he didn't give me much of an answer. So, hopefully... he'll at least know my concerns and be able to understand why I've been so moody lately.

Two: YES! Interview... to a high class restraunt in the heart of Austin. I'm super duper excited. Cross your fingers for me! I'll start in three weeks, most likely.

I'm trying to think of a blog that I can start working on that's a little less per-se personal... I'll keep this blog of course, but I would like something that people would read and get info on. I'm consitering starting a blog about different horse problems that can arise, and ways to prevent and help them. Since its something i'm passionate about, i think it would be nice. Any suggestions?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The State Bird of Ohio...

I'm a woman with a very healthy sexual appetite. Always have. I think, that's probably the reason I lost my virginity pretty quick. Sexuality is always an interesting subject for me to talk and to write about, and it comes more naturally to me than talking about religion or politics. To give you some insight on what i mean... sex>politics>religion.

I've also, always dated men with pretty sexual appetites themselves. I've never been permiscuous, but always exclusive. Mr. III had me wait for him for a few months, which caused some self-esteem issues in me, that I realized I had to fix before we could really be happy together. Well, now that I don't feel like self-esteem is attached to sex, I still feel aroused. I'm a girl that, in a perfect world, would have sex on a daily basis. But, I'm the man in this relationship in this aspect. He does not have as huge of an appetite for it as I do. I've heard it only gets worse after marriage, and that scares me shitless!!

The only reason I meantion this, is because he's been hinting at proposal.

Which has me thinking: The guy? Or a sex life? I can't cheat on him... that's just not right. I'd rather masterbate furriously with a showerhead every night to get my jollies off than have intercourse with another man, however, with impending proposal in place, and more seriousness aquiring, what can I do? I mean, I love him so very much, but I think our relationship would have a lot less stress if he would just have SEX with me. Its never that he can't get it up, its just that he doesn't want to. I've tried to be a bit more kinkier, and try different things... but he won't budge. And It's getting to the point where its taking a toll on me. I mean, this is the part of our relationship we should be consumating like bunnies and praying to God we don't get preggers.

I think it has to do with the fact that he's a bit overweight. We both are. So, because of his self-image issues, he's not wanting to do it. Which would make sense. Cheating is out of the question. We don't spend enough time apart. And as well, the only reason he would need to cheat is if I wasn't fulfilling his needs... and consitering he's not fulfilling mine instead, he's pretty safe.

I'm not going to break up with him... but it'll take time and effort and patience to lose weight, which... I want him to do... for himself, not for me. He's not very patient, and gets frustrated easily. The rejection sucks... and its starting to take a toll on my self esteem again, and two, I hate not being intimate with him...

Does anyone have any advice for me?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Good Day

You know, sometimes I really think God is messing with me.

Now, truthfully, i'm not a seriously religious person. I don't like talking about God to people, it just makes me unconfortable. There was this guy last year when I was working at the jewelry store that told me on black friday that "god was helping him with all of his purchases" and all I could think to say is "good for you?" No offense to him whatsoever, but I just don't like discussing God and such with people unless its in a strictly educational standpoint.

But, this semester in college, it's been increasingly aparent that SOMEONE in the devine thinks I should be in college.

Before getting the abortion, I was really sick for a few weeks and unable to go to some classes. Right before I dropped a class, I got an email from the teacher pleading with me to stay in the class, and that she would work with me so that I could catch up.

Then, today, Unable to get a doctors note, I was going to drop another class of mine. It turns out, the teacher is dropping the class himself, and moving his students (only 4 of us now) to his other classes. However, I have classes durring both times he has on Tuesday/Thursday, so he's doing to discuss with another one of my teachers to see if I can split the time between the two classes.

So, he's basically going to work with me.


I love college.

I know not all colleges are like this. When I head up to the big university, its even moreso that it will be unlikely i'll get the type of personal attention I'm getting here at my little junior college. But, truthfully, its been amazing.

It looks like I'll pass this semester with B's mostly, maybe one class with an A and another class with a C. But overall, I'm doing pretty snazzy.

Next semester, I'm going back to my hometown, and going to the junior college there. I'm not sure if I've told you guys, but Mr. III is leaving college and persuing a technical school. That's fine with me, as long as he's happy. He's really just interested in having some sort of stable job so we can get married and be semi confortable, and then persue his dreams once mine are met. He wants to flip houses, which would be nearly impossible to do right now. He figures that I'll be able to invest in his "company" and he'll end up giving me back my money and then some. He's even planning on "owning" a few condos and "renting" them out and such. Sounds fine with me, as long as he's happy in the long run.

I'm thinking about my major job right now, which is a toss up between Large Animal Veterinary and Radiology. I'm not sure about either.

But, it's late, and I need to get some sleep. I'll go more into it tomorrow.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mr. III and I,

Are possibly getting a poochie this summer. I'm really excited. She's a red murle australlian shepherd with green eyes. She's just about a year old, potty trained and learning more, and I'm discussing with the rescue on adopting her. They were worried since I'm a college student about adopting her out to me, but I explained that my boyfriend/soon to be fiance has an appartment right now and he's getting a job fairly soon, and I have lots of cash saved up just in case.

I'll keep you updated. If we get her, I'll put up a picture!!

I'm going to try to make it my goal to blog every week from now on. It'll be pretty sweetcakes.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happiness and Sadness

School has kept me from really blogging lately... but here's how things are going.

Mr. III and I are doing marvelous. At the begining of this weekend, we got into a bit of a spat, but we're doing amazing. Actually, it was a fate-astic weekend. Friday morning he and I went to pick up my car from the shop (FINALLY FIXED) and then drop his car off at a different shop. Well, he got the directions wrong, and I had to drive back home to get the right directions. Tired and pissed off, I told him to "sit" like a dog when I left the car to get the directions. The car ride there was tense, and when we picked up my car, he drove ahead of me and made following him very stressful. My inspection was a year out of date due to a fluke with the car company and lots of crazy repairs I had to do in order to get it inspected. So, when we got there, I said I'm sorry, he said he was sorry, and we continued on to get my car inspected.

While waiting for the car, we went to a jewelry store and looked around. One of our things is we look at wedding bands, and he actually designed one, and put a downpayment on it!

Very exciting, to say the least. We as well saw one of his awesome teachers from high school, who he talked to about the whole thing, and she was really excited for us. Which made me really rather happy. After finally getting the car back, we continued about our weekend with love in the air.

And here's something pretty marvelous. He asked both my parents if he could marry me, and each said yes!! In a normal family, usually you shouldn't have to ask both, but since my parents are divorced, it ends up he has to ask both, because they don't communicate unless they absolutely have to.

On sunday night, he was talking to his Aunt and found out it was his grandmother's birthday on monday. Monday, he ended up playing her song on my CD player in the car, and said "Happy Birthday", and it just about broke my heart in two. I feel like I cried more than he did, but I'm sure he was suffering in his usual manly way. We talked about what we would do to honor her at the wedding, and have decided to put an invitation on her grave site.

I'm not sure if I've told you guys about his grandmother, but I'll leave that for another post.