Monday, September 27, 2010

I can't believe it

It has been a while since I've last blogged, and Its mainly due to the fact that I just haven't had the time, or Mr. III has taken up a lot of my time.  But this blog isn't about that.  This is about a kid that was in my Spanish class my senior year in high school.

He passed away in august, and I just found out today.  He was speeding down a road, lost control, and hit a tree.  He wasn't wearing a seat belt.

What kind of makes me angry, is that he saw me when I got in my horrific accident.  I told as many people up and down that I wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for my seat belt.  But I still feel for his family and friends.

It brings me down to earth on my car accident.  It really does.  How fragile humans are, and how easily it is to kill us.  How close I was to death on that day.  I was a lucky one.

Rest in Peace, Travis.  I didn't know you very well.  I talked to you a few times in class, maybe, but many people appreciated you for your talents and your wit.  I hope you'll keep them laughing up in heaven.

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